Frequently Asked Questions

What is ChicChic?

ChicChic is the world’s first social beauty & wellness marketplace. First, it is a social platform where we have implemented social features so that customers and beauty professionals could interact with one another by posting visual content and asking important questions about beauty & wellness. Whilst on the other hand we are a booking platform, we are working hard to include an easy-to-use booking flow so that users on our platform could browse for services and seamlessly book them all in one place without having to jump from platform to platform.

We have identified that managing multiple social media and booking platforms at the same time consumes a lot of time for beauticians and makes it hard for users to find and book services they desire. Therefore, we have designed a social booking platform specifically for beauty & wellness, a single place where users can interact with one another, browse through beauty content and book those same services in just a few clicks without having to leave our app and book those services elsewhere.

Why use ChicChic?

We believe that finding great salons and artists nearby should be easy, whilst getting answers to your beauty questions shouldn’t take hours browsing online. ChicChic handles this for you allowing you to easily find answers and book services you love in seconds all in one platform!

I have a beauty business, what’s in it for me?

Looking for new clients? Tired of managing multiple social media accounts and booking platforms at once? Or maybe you are simply done with pen & paper-based appointment scheduling?

Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered! ChicChic is the world’s first social beauty platform that combines social media and booking management systems into one. Gone are the days of having to move from platform to platform to find new, and engage with old, clients!

With ChicChic Artist app you can create your profile and list your services, find new clients, engage with them through posting genuine content, and grow your following, and as if that is not enough you can also find new clients by simply interacting with people in your local area by answering nearby beauty & wellness related questions, and all of that in a single platform! Isn’t that cool?!

For individual artists and salon owners we have designed ChicChic Artist as a separate app that provides you with tools and services that can help you grow your beauty business.

If you are interested but still have questions, please contact us for more information at:

I have a beauty business, what about pricing?

Well, ChicChic is the very first beauty platform that is completely free to join! Yes, we do not charge our users any joining fees, monthly subscription fees or new client fees! Amazing, right?

Our pricing structure is simple, for every booking on our platform the business pays a 4.1% transaction fee that has a monthly cap assigned based on your business size, whilst the customers on the other hand cover any remaining in-app payment processing fees.

This way for the first-time small beauty businesses can stop worrying about large monthly costs for managing their bookings online and large businesses can benefit from the most competitive prices.

What’s next?

Many things! We have some exciting new features coming soon to our platform, so follow us on social media and download ChicChic app today (currently available only for Android devices, with iOS app coming soon)!